项目: 1、国家自然科学基金项目:超临界CO2-乙醇-乙烯多效催化耦合制备碳酸二乙酯的研究(21106107),2012.1-2012.12,25万元,项目负责人; 2. 校企合作项目:乙苯脱氢催化剂小试工艺研发,2017-2020, 项目负责人; 3. 校企合作项目:有机物在超临界流体中溶解性能研究,2015-2018,项目负责人; 4、国家自然科学基金项目,有机碱催化炔基酮与活泼亚胺的不对称环化反应(21072152),2011.01-2013.12,30万元,第二; 5. 国家自然科学基金项目:固体化合物在超临界CO2中溶解度预测模型的构建与验证(21206077),2013.01-2015.12,第二; 6、国家自然科学基金项目,胶体沉积法制备的贵金属催化剂在水煤气变换反应中的载体效应研究(21003095),2011.01-2013.12,19万元、第三。 论文: 1. Chuanpeng Zhang, DongdongJia*, Measurement and correlation of the solubility of Cinildipine in supercritical CO2, Earth and Envirmental Science, 2018, 208, 012041 2. Yanlou Wang, DongdongJia*, Hongru Li, Yongyue Sun, Naixuan Li, Solubility of Nifedipine and Lacidipine in Supercritical CO2: Measurement and Correlation. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2017, 46(1), 70-88. 3. Yanlou Wang, Dongdong Jia*, Zhen Zhu, Yongyue Sun, Synthesis of Diethyl Carbonate from Carbon Dioxide, Propylene Oxide and Ethanol over KNO3-CeO2 and KBr-KNO3-CeO2 Catalysts, Catalysts, 2016, 6, 52. 4. Xuezheng Zhang, Dongdong Jia*, Jun Zhang, Yongyue Sun, Direct Synthesis of Diethyl Carbonate from CO2 and Ethanol Catalyzed by ZrO2/Molecular Sieve, Catal Lett, 2014, 144(2), 144–2150. 5. Zhen Zhu, Dongdong Jia*, Yongyue Sun, Direct synthesis of diethyl carbonate from propylene oxide, carbon dioxide and ethanol by KNO3/CeO2 catalyst, Natural Gas Chem. Eng. (China), 2016, 41, 29–45. 6. Jun Zhang, Rong Lan, Dongdong Jia*, Yongyue Sun, Synthesis of diethyl carbonate from CO2 and ethanol, Chem Eng. (China), 2014, 42(6), 58–62. 7. Yanlou Wang, Dongdong Jia*, Yongyue Sun, Solubility of Nifedipine and Lacidipine in Supercritical CO2: Measurement and Correlation, J Solution Chem, 2017, 46,70–88. 8. Dongdong Jia, Shufen Li, Luan Xiao, Supercritical CO2 extraction of Plumula nelumbinis oil: Experiments and modeling, J. of Supercritical Fluids, 2009, 50 229–234. 专利: 1、贾冬冬, 郝梦瑶,王华伟,王雷,以球状纳米α-氧化铁为铁源的乙苯脱氢催化剂的制备方法,中国专利,授权号:CN:109999810B,2022. |